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Out of these two items of dealing with people, which do you feel provides a stronger position?   We often refer to our rights, having them, expressing them, crushing others peoples with ours. The last one is a bit harsh but happens a little too much.  The Right, may be considered a privilege by some. The sticky part of that idealistic view is that you have to then define who is giving or providing the privilege. 

Then whoever is the one providing the privilege is therefore dealing out the elements of control.  Ouch, that is hard to stomach as a theory.  If the Right is considered as your personal exercise of control (You have the Right to refuse service to anyone for example), you then have created your own system of rules and order to what you do.  That would be the largest expression of personal control provided you did not violate someone else’s rights.  The obligation is a different animal.  It is the reflection of a moral standard.  Are you willing to do what you say and say what you do?  An obligation is called into action as a process of following through.  An obligation could even be considered as the formal commitment to complete the statement of your actions. 

While a Right may give you the option to act or not act upon something, an Obligation does not give you the choice.  You must fulfill the obligation unless you want to be known for not following through.  If you offer a guarantee, it is your right to offer it.  If you issue the guarantee, it is your obligation to hold to it.  Just as there are subtitle but valuable differences between expectations and agreements, there are valuable lessons to be learned from rights and obligations. 

Would you as a business owner rather be known for exercising your rights or acting upon your obligations?  I think you know the answer, now obligate yourself to maintain it.