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We have heard of people who have made lists of this right?  The list of enemies, the list of individuals who wronged us, the list of whom we seek revenge.  Even though we have done this for centuries, it still celebrates the worst part of human nature.  We even have phrases like “Revenge is a dish best served cold”.  Have you thought about this for a minute?  What that phrase says is the person who wronged you has long since forgot about what happened. When you execute your plan to pay them back, they would not be expecting it at all.  “ I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!”  Have you carried the weight of this all this time, it has brewed its negative elixir in your mind and spirit? 

Some people have even become consumed by these revenge type feelings to where it has affected their health, their friendships, and their business.  I am not suggesting to let everything roll off your back and just to let it go.  You have every right to stand for what you believe in, and yes, people make choices that may not be good in how it affects you.  The strangest part is for most of the people who you would consider as “wronging you”, they have forgotten what they did a long time ago, and it does not trouble them at all.  As you let it continue to eat at you, it is only you who are continuing to be burdened.  If you want to, make your list, plan your revenge against all who have wronged you.  If it helps fuel you, I certainly am not going to stand in your way.  It may be an overall better choice to also make a list of the people you admire, a list of the people who have accomplished great things you want to learn from, a list of the people who matter most in your life and the things they love.  This type of list has no plan of revenge, it needs no burden.  Lists like those only grow and grow. Lastly, as you go through your life, which list would you like to be on most?