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Throw in the towel.  The fat lady is singing.  Let it go. (not the song).  How many times we have heard these types of statements over the ideas, dreams, and plans we have for ourselves.  Do we hang around with so many negative people who would inflict these types of expressions on our  ideas?  Not hardly, just one person….MYSELF.  As with all of us, our mind can be the strongest or weakest link in how we stay committed to something.  People have referenced it in that past calling it the “monkey mind” or your sub-conscious. 

This internal dialog you may have with yourself can be the voice and gets you through or the voice that tears you down. How do you control such an animal?  A great first step would be to take your internal voice back.  You need to find keywords or phrases that can stop the negative thinking in its tracks.  Write the word down, tell others what the word is and to share it with you if they see you starting to be down on yourself.  I have a really funny story using the word “Pumpkin” I can share with you if you pull me aside one day.  Another way to bring you back around is to work each day reflecting on optimism. 

Think of how something bad has a positive way to spin it.  Such an example would be in the title of this blog.  People may feel, as I have before, we have reached the end of trying.  We want to throw the keys to someone else, turn off the lights, lock up and call it quits.  The end of the rope could be you have reached you limit on dealing with “X”, you see no further way you can go on.  But what if I shared with you that the wick of a candle is a rope and the end of it is the part you light to create a flame.  That flame lights up the room and expresses energy.  To a Candle, the end of the rope creates only the beginning of its purpose.  If you can learn to see things in a different perspective, the whole world lights up to you.  You see options you may have never noticed before.