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You hear comparisons about the “haves” and “have-nots.”  Thinking about this further, what becomes the core element in these types of comparisons?  It is often a comparison about stuff. The material things one may have or have access to that another feels they may not ever get to have. Not the core elements of survival, the other things. The stuff which people may desire, envy, or confuse the line between want and need.

 We all are beings who “have”.   You have many incredible things by just being a human being.  You “have” ability to communicate, to love, to care, to learn.  You “have” the power of making choices, sharing your time, being the “have” in someone else’s life.   Why then do you allow yourself to be judged by some material crap?  Better yet, why do you feel that you would be some magically different person if you had the material crap? 

 If you want to have some cool material things in your life, great, go for it.   I have had some awesome things and experiences and OK; it is quite awesome.  But if suddenly all the stuff is gone, you and your “haves” are what carries you forward.  From traveling this path of reflection, it took me a while to come to the conclusion;  status symbol items are not the core of who someone is and having them is not how one’s identity should be defined.  They are just choices in how one may reward themselves for hard work and effort. 

 Our lives are enriched with “Haves”.  Do not let the fancy stuff not yet reachable pull you down into the “have not” mode. It can be tough to think this way as you see the fancy car you want driving through the parking lot.  When those times come up, consider using the magic word YET.  Yet allows you to embrace the idea there are things that are possible.  Yet can allow you to see something as obtainable.  There are days where you may have the urge to dwell on the “have nots”. It is normal and happens to all of us from time to time.  When this happens, consider making a list of all the things you do “have.”  You would be surprised how quickly you regain your belief in how much you do have and have to give.