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Observations of everything around us can lead to significant problem solving ideas.  As we share this planet with many other living things, we have some unique properties to our presence.  Humans create things out of both “want” and “need”.  Almost all other species on the planet create from the basis of “need” only. In addition to food, medicine, tools, and shelter,  we will create trends, fads, short-cuts, 30-minute ab programs.  Other animals create shelter and use items as tools to eat or capture food out of necessity and survival.  We have taken the the ability to explore and create to a whole new level.  We were given a frontal lobe and opposable thumbs which makes it seem through “Divine Interference” we are doing when we were built for.  Yes, I know, we have gone too far in some other aspects of this as and have abused our privileges.  Let us leave that for another discussion.

As we create more and more, we often start to let go of the older things. The prime reason my old I-Pod sits on the counter and I use my Smart Phone for everything now.  If you walk or drive through a community you will see a variety of old and new.  From paint, to buildings, to even how well a parking lot is kept.  Some areas keep it old to preserve the “historic value”.  Other areas want to tear it all down to become modern.  In this, we see the convergence of old and new ideas, yet not always building off of each other.  

In either case, what was created has a purpose if even for a short period of time.  It is often in the moments where you are pondering life situations where your mind can open to see the messages.  This bridge for example.  I was taking a walk on a business trip and had some down time.  I was thinking about all the things discussed in the previous days session.  I was wrestling with some issues about how to be more effective, why I had not been as effective in some other things where I could have stepped up.  In short, I was really wondering “what the heck is going on with how I do business and why is it a struggle to manage and juggle  some of it right now?”  You may have thought about this once or twice yourself.  
Then I see this pedestrian bridge.  The bridge is so much more than a bridge in this moment.  My first thought is why are they not repairing the bridge and keeping it up to date.  I walked across it and there were even some bolts that have rusted off.  It was a little scary looking.  Next immediate thought was why was this built.  It was a great way to protect people crossing this busy multi-lane road and railroad tracks. It made a connection.  It sits across a set of hotels and connects them to the beach.  It serves a great purpose and was a brilliant idea someone had.  Yet, here it is slowly fading and becoming less and less of an inspirational idea, and more of an eyesore.

There was the exact observation connection I needed to make.  An epiphany if you wish to call it that.  How many great innovative things  I “had been” doing are just sitting there and growing old.  How many brilliant methods I had used to create and support others were collecting dust in my mind?  As I tried to find solutions in the “new things” which could help me, I need to take a good inventory of the old things that made me spectacular and respected in what I do. I need to see what systems and ideas need to get a fresh coat of paint, air up the tires, clean off the cluttered whiteboard in my brain. If I start putting these back into use, then I can blend new ideas and tools into them.  Posting this on LinkedIn for example.  It was a great relevant moment from something most people would barely notice.  Look around my friends, often the answers are right in front of you.