Colts Home Central

This picture was taken by a friend of mine in Texas.  He had posted it for the humor . I had to add some humor myself when looking at it. You wonder if the person that owns and operates this stand was ever interviewed before.  “How did you start your business?”  “Well, sir, life just kinda handed this to me and I made the best of it.”  If it were this easy. Then again, maybe it is.  

If I am trying to open a jar and I squawk out loud “this lid is never going to come off,”  somehow that lid starts to hold on even tighter.  I may after a long struggle get it to come off but it put up a heck of a fight.  If I had gone into the process with a different attitude about how I will find a way to get the lid off, would it have been easier?  Who knows.  Your frustration level would have been better which can only improve your situation and attitude on finding the best solution.

The adage using lemons about making the best of a situation over complaining about it is some pretty sound advice.  When we fight and bitch and argue our way toward a task, it may turn into a challenge after all.  Making a mountain out of a mole hill, if we want to stay in classic lines.  When people can master the art of being flexible and adapting to challenges, solutions just seem to come their way.  Not a bad way to live overall.