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How often do people try to tell us, beg us, share with us vital information about the directions and actions we are taking? We can quickly discredit these people because they just do not get us or understand our business model. As this clip illustrates, if you are not listening, you could miss some chances to adjust and change. When someone challenges us, the defense wall goes up. Your defense wall may cause selective hearing, just how they react in this classic movie scene. “They said we are going the wrong way.” “Oh they are drunk….how do they know which way we are going.”

Never be so quick to judge a suggestion and brush it off. The ideas and suggestions that pop into your mind just after you hear a commercial, overhear a conversation in a check out line, or even reading a blog that popped up while you were on social media are examples of these messages. It could be a message which just not found the proper way to get your attention, YET.  
Even things like a movie clip can catch you at the right time; when you need to think about the direction you are taking.  

You are not going to get a memo from the future referencing the decisions you are making today.