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What is it with that word and how it makes people feel?  You are reading this on some electronic device correct?  Realize, the persons who helped create the core elements of harnessing this technology were considered “not normal.”  They may have been innovators, outsiders, non-conformists, rebels (some computer folks just roared in excitement). 

If so many amazing things happen when people are thinking differently, why then do we place such solace in having a place we conform to as normal?

When words such as normal and average hang out together, they go down to the Hum-Drum for a pizza and talk about how wonderfully planned out life is.  Hats off to the ones who can achieve this. There are a few times each day where a dreamer, creator, or creative thinker wonders what life may be like on that side of the fence for them.  If you are developing and starting a new career or business venture, you may even look at the “normals” with some degree of envy when the challenges and issues of time management go into chaos.  Many folks in the creator camp find themselves internally fighting against and yet striving for some level of normal in their lives.  I have some pretty good first-hand knowledge on this battle. In my case, it is an epic battle in my mind of wanting just to be myself and the fictional people who try to determine what version of me, I should be.  This thought process violates a great rule of personal development; do not judge yourself by what others think of you.   My violations of this rule are extensive but improving. Do not consider yourself alone if you have broken this rule before.  Your mind has a way to create all of this imagery, valid or not.

What do you do to manage these feelings?  Consider this.  When we define this destination normal, we (referring to creators and dreamers) tend to see it as something far out there.  If the thought of getting to normal, or normal again, feels like several states away on the highway of life; consider making all the rest stops and tourist traps part of your normal.  Let some of the smaller stops and accomplishments along the journey create feelings of normal.  After all, when you get to destination normal, as a creator you may just find it does not live up to the expectation you had.  Stopping at little normals for breaks allows you to evaluate and potentially reflect.  So what if you are not normal?  You are YOU!  The question is: are you the best YOU you can be?  There is nothing wrong with BEing Ordinary either, just be Extraordinary at doing it.