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The above was a statement I heard as someone was describing a meeting they had with another business owner.  It was an alternate way of saying “explaining their business.”  It is stronger in significant ways.  How often does the question come up as you are talking to people related to how you got into business?  You hear some of the standard reasons;  being a good opportunity, or they knew someone. You may hear a few that are related to growing up in the business or it being passed down in the family.  You have a few folks that start off with the “that’s a funny story…”

Is there more to the why of what you do over just what you do?  Is there the feeling of a calling, a purpose, and energy you just know is present when you are working?  This is the “why” they were referring to.  There is purpose well beyond the title on the card.  It is the story of the story, and it is awesome when you feel the passion in telling it. 

The best part is being able to share the Why.  Walking the Why is a great way to tell the story of the purpose and passion in your work, your trade, your craft.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with “walking the way” when you meet someone and they ask about what you do.  If they do not value and appreciate your why, will they value or appreciate anything else you have to provide to them?  It is true; some people just are not into wanting to hear the stories.  You wonder if they just have never been able to capture their passion and walk their why.