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Money is one of those amazing things man has created. Yes, possibly a little bias based on my former profession, but hear me out.   It allowed society to progress from exchanging goods and services for other goods and services.  It allowed people to use another form of exchange to acquire food, shelter, tools, and clothing.  As we have advanced, so has the currency and how it is used in society.  It is however, still just a thing.  It is not a living entity. It is an inanimate object until put into action to exchange value in a transaction. 

This inanimate object does an incredible job of driving human behavior.  Money can become this living, breathing  thing in the lives of an economy.  Money can broker peace, yet start wars.  Money can build a business and tear it apart if money teams up with greed or fraud.  Money can be used to gain respect and status.  Money can also become the judge and jury of comparison in being able to live well. 

What is your attitude toward money?  Is it what it can buy?  Is it what you can give?  Will it provide for you in a way you want to?  Your relationship with money is important to understand.  Just because you are this age and have this many kids and have this much saved, does not always dictate what needs to be addressed in how you will and want to use money.  Money is a tool, by far, not the only tool, used in the blueprints of building a support structure for you and your family.  It should never be the other way around.