Colts Home Central

There are times where you are searching for the right connections to your thoughts, and the simplest of things triggers it.  Most vehicles have these little information screens on them. Some are far fancier than mine.  Run out of range, run out of fuel, pretty simple equation. 

If we can look for a moment at our lives in the same way.  The amount of fuel in our tank allows us a certain range in our efforts.  We can look at fuel in many ways such as food or nutrition.  We can also look at it from how we fill our “spiritual tank” up.  The fuel of creativity, the fuel of purpose, the fuel of passion toward what we are doing.  If this tank has no fuel, we have no range in possibilities of what we can do with our lives.  We are stuck. We may even be walking down the highway with an empty gas can to fill up, looking for help, and regretting not adding the right fuel before we left.  Even more significant, if we do not have this fuel, we do not have the range of service and support we can give others. 

So what type of fuel do you put in your tank when you get the chance to fill up?  Do you put in the lowest grade because it is the least expensive and will get you a few more miles in range but not necessarily direction?  Or will you look at using the premium fuel, paying a little extra yet feeling the positive energy as you travel?   In a matter of just looking down at the dash, as I have done hundreds of times before, I experienced a great moment of clarity about myself.  It was just too valuable not to share.  Here is to your journey and making the most of your range.