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The decade of the 80’s produced many great movies.  The ones you can watch over and over again and adopt many of the lines into your everyday life.  Even though it was an exciting period, the moves seemed to capture many messages we still use today.  One of the movies incorporated itself into the culture by being used in many parodies and memes of scenes.  The film is called “Say Anything“ and follows the story of a young man trying to secure the heart of a girl.  Many people reference the scene of his holding a boom box above his head in the rain out front of her house with the Peter Gabriel song “Your Eyes” blaring. 

As much as this scene is touching and in replicating it must have earned young men many a prom date, there is another scene that is far more valuable.  There is another scene where the lead character (played by a very young John Cusack) is lost in thought and happens about a group of fellow high school students hanging out in front of a convenience store.  They begin to share all this advice about women to him until he realizes they have no credibility.  He say to them;  “If you guys are so smart about women, why are you out in front of the Gas and Sip at midnight on a Friday with no women around?”  The boys look dumbfounded in gather an answer until one of them says with a bit of uncertainty, “It’s by choice man.” 

They all suddenly agree, and the scene ends.  But the message is very hidden within the humor.  The kid is so accurate in what he is saying.  We ALL have the ability to live our lives by choice.  When things are not going well, have you even thought if decisions you made have been involved?  Therefore, the situation you are in is by choice.  And with that, if you believe it, you can make the choice to do something about it.  After all, it IS your choice. Once you embrace that, you can experience the most out of your business and your life.