Colts Home Central

We always talk about the power of having a great location.  If you get an excellent location, the world can lead a path to your door.  As visibility is imperative, it actually becomes an extension of credibility.  I do not care how fancy your building may be, how elaborate your signs are.  I do not care about the wacky promotions and how much you will beat everyone’s prices.  If I have a bad experience, you serve horrible food, your product sucks, or you have anything that reflects something entirely different than the marketing messages that made me stop in, guess what happens to your credibility?  I cannot be the only one either that would feel this way.  To be real kurt, if you are going to take a bag of garbage and put a nice shiny bow on it, people will find out. 

When you are a new business or even an existing business which is starting to expand,  taking the time make sure you have the best product you can deliver matters most.  That does not mean you have to have the superior product, just provide the best service, quality, and message you can deliver on.  The best location will always be the one you establish by your credibility.  Creditability can be the best tenant improvement you can make with your business model even if it is from your kitchen table working at home.  Credibility, in having to buy it back, can be the most expensive real estate of all. Your prime location is the one where your clients, your business, and yourself are aligned.