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This topic may have more intensity than even the classic “chicken or egg first” debate.  For the person who dreams and better yet pursues the dream, is the greater reward in the journey or the destination?  Personally, I side with the journey.  Here is my attempt at the rationale.  When we set the destination in our mind, we have decided on where and what it should look be.  You have an image in your mind, even a set of objectives to get to it. In some circles of progressive, positive thinking, you need to create a substantial expectation of the destination.  You may have pictures and brochures if it is a location.  You may have created a vision board if it is a goal in your business or personal life.  Your mind has visualized how it feels, what it looks like.  Let’s say it all comes together and your destination comes to you.  Your goal, your trip, your new accomplishment.  If it all then comes along exactly as you expected, where is the excitement?  You have been to the place in your mind so many times; when you get there, it becomes almost a sense of let down.  For the motivated, when reaching this point, we often will look around and wonder “what next!”.  This is why I feel the journey is the best part.  The journey has changes, new people, turns and twists.  The journey has all the elements that keep it exciting.  The journey has things that are unexpected, things you need to adapt and change, which even at times can lead you to an even newer undiscovered destination.

We are engrossed and intrigued in the movies and books that talk of people going on the adventure, the journey.  We may be on the edge of your seat as they work through situation after situation to get to the goal.   How can you make your life and your quest for whatever it is you are looking for be so engaging?  I was listening to a professional speaker one day who shared one of these simple and profound statements you replay it in your mind over and over again.  He said, “I wish my life’s journey to be so exciting, when my grandkids sit around the campfire with me to hear the stories, they can sell tickets to their friends to hear it!”  Now that is an amazing analogy of how great the journey can be.