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In our businesses, we offer to sell a product, deliver a service, consult on an issue, or….I am running out of options here.  It does not matter what you are offering. You are offering something in exchange for something else.  As much as we would like to conduct business with most of the people we run into; it is probably a given conclusion this is not going to happen.  Whatever it is that you do, regardless of however proud you are of it, not everyone is going to want it.  They may not like you.  They may not like the product. They may not see the use, message, or value.   The best possible thing you can do is to accept this and be fine with it. It just is not worth the frustration. 

What does cause some frustration and can be dealt with, is in the title.  Have you ever been talking to people about your product and they inquire if it has this or that or can do this or that.  When your product does, we look like rock stars.  When it does not have what they asked about what do you do next?  First, you need to take a good emotional look at who you are presenting to.  It is not uncommon for someone to know details about your product beforehand and purposely bring up something they know it does not do so they can avoid having to tell you no.  It is an exit strategy for some meetings.  If this is not the case and there is sincerity, you may want to ask them why is that an important feature to them.  It may be they did not understand one of the other features in your product addresses this issue in a different way.  If we are still coming up short, offer to get back with them and you will address a solution that may include the conclusion you cannot help.  If there is agreement, take the time to call others, ask questions, and see what collaborative efforts may get the result. 

If it is a competitors product that is best suited, then step up and refer the person to your competitor.  You will be amazed how the customer reacts and the future referrals you may get back from the competitor.  They met with you for a solution. It may not always be your product that fulfills the objective, however, even if you referred it to someone else, you have provided a solution.  You are maintaining your integrity, and people will remember that.