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You wonder why a statement like that gets your attention.  Even gets your attention to read a blog or two.  We have come to use this phrase to reflect all the negative things that can happen.  Of course, the same type of phrase can be “it sucks”, but we will leave that one alone for now. You have a situation you are not happy with and as a result in sheer expression to someone else, you will reference that “it just blows”.    But why do we say this?  More, why is it negative?  If you think about it, “blows”  is a good active verb.  After all, it may not be what you intended but it is still something put into motion.  Most people who say this do not feel what is happening is a total disaster.  If anything they realize it is just a point in time and not forever. They probably would use many other terms if the situation were dire.  If you can, try to turn this statement around for the person sharing it. 

The next time you hear. “It just blows,” try to make them think positive.  Say something like; “Well if it blows, we can use the power to set sail to get us to a better place.”  Or “Hey if it blows what you mean is it is going in a direction. It may not be the direction you want, so what can you do to get the wind in your sails on the course you want?”  People who just insist on being negative will not be thrilled with your approach.  You have the choice to go into the negative turf with them sharing what blows in your life.  Misery loves company, right?  You can decide to rise above, grab their hand as use some of these phrases to pull them up.  The best part of any day is when you can share with someone a positive message.  Let the wind fill your sails with staying focused In adding value to society and you might just be amazed by where you can go.