Colts Home Central

It bothers me, it upsets me, it annoys me.  Any of these phrases are very common to hear throughout a given week.  Of course, there are many more colorful phrases used as well.  There are some serious attitude issues with these types of statements.  First, it should be understood and addressed YOU are in full control about how YOU FEEL when something happens.  Therefore, when you make statements like these, you are the one who is letting it get to you not the other way around.  Second, when you see something that does push your buttons, how you react becomes just as vital.  Do you walk away?  Do you badmouth others about what you saw?  Do you try to jump in and correct it all?  If you think about it from a holistic view, most successful people and businesses started with the premise of “finding a solution” not “finding a problem”.   If you let more and more things pile up that bother you, it can get harder and harder to find a solution to anything.  How dismal can that be? 

To put my arm around you for a minute, we all go through these times of frustration and just feeling lost in our emotions.  We all have these ups and downs, and when we feel down, everything can just seem worse and worse.  As mentioned, I would not want to stress a problem without offering a solution.  One possible method is to have the word SOLUTION written down and taped to a few areas.  Have the word on your dashboard or rearview mirror.  Have the word taped to your bathroom mirror or on your coffee maker.  It becomes a constant re-enforcement of looking for a solution as part of your reaction.  We all get upset; it is what you do with that energy that separates victims from victors.